Microsoft must have some strange set of designers.
The message from the company seems to want to convince everyone that their products are great, easy to use, and will make you productive.
Somewhat, absolutely not, and sometimes.
Having done lots of testing where users of all ages have had to use Windows to complete tasks, anything beyond the most basic tasks are amazingly difficult.
People have problems with the filing system. They save files and then can't find them.
If you watch experts for awhile, you see that they get around finding files by doing searches of their hard drives because they can't remember where they left their files. What makes it worse is that many times they can't figure out what they named the files.
That is probably one of the biggie problems. There are dozens more.
I often get people coming to me to help them fix their computers. To a person, when they talk about their computers they are confused, discouraged, and wishing there is an alternate to what they have.
I would tell them go to the Mac, but having used my daughters mac laptop lately, they are just as messed up.
The Mac people love to say how easy it is to use one. But having used one years ago and then here and there over the years, I know the basics. The problem is, there are so many cutesy little things they have done to the interface that it took me forever to find what I wanted to do and to do it.
So, Microsoft, get a clue and make life simpler for everyone.
Mac users, just shut the heck up. Macs may be easier for some things, like iPods and ITunes, but they are not easy.
There isn't a computer built that is easy.
They are complex and they all take dedication to figure out.
Someone should offer 10 million dollars to the first person that solves the complexity problem.
Microsoft and Apple need not apply for the prize.