Coming soon. Details on Prizes for Progress.
Awards of:
$10 million dollars for someone who comes up with a 100 mile per gallon gasoline engine for a standard 5 passenger sedan.
$10 million dollars for someone who comes up with a solar energy power system that people could buy and install for $1,000.
$500,000 for someone who comes up with a permanent, environmentally friendly, workable, feasible solution to use or get rid of used tires.
$25 million dollars for the person who comes up with a permanent, workable, inexpensive solution for computer viruses, spam, and adware.
$1 million dollars for the person who comes up with a permanent, workable, inexpensive solution for the problem of graffitti.
Details for these awards, which will be awarded as funds are raised, will come later.
A jury of experts will decide whether the criteria for each award has been met.
Individuals and companies will be able to register to accept the challenges. A website will be prepared where you can accept the challenges.
None of these awards are currently being offered. Decisions on if and when they will be offered for people entering will be coming in the near future.
More details to come. More awards, more challenges, more opportunities for people to make a difference in the world.
Stay tuned................