Schools as Fat and Sugar “Pushers”

What a great world we live in! What great schools we have!

The schools are amazing in how much they do for our kids.

Not only have they found ways to educate our children in a manner that helps the kids fail to read or write as well as they should in 4th grade, they are helping parents make fat kids and sugar junkies!

What a great country to live in.

Where else can kids get to school and slurp down a sugar sludge, caffeine cocktail before they get their first class. Without access to such healthy drinks, how do we expect them to concentrate on feeling good about themselves in class?

In the middle of their day, they get to belly up to the trough and choose among a “let’s see who can get fat first” menu of greased up fries, pizza, hot dogs, and more, all lovingly provided by the fast food industry and the lowest bidder. The kids get real life exposure to fast food every lunch hour-in some shools it may be the most educational part of their day.

It almost seems like some schools have the idea that their future budgets will be based on pounds taught and not on the number of students.

I can see it now. Future students lumber up to the door and strain to lift their bodies over the threshold of the school. They squeeze through the door and are asked to pause a moment on the cattle scale just inside the school doors to be weighed.

Then they are rewarded by a pat on their hefty sweat-covered back and given a bowl of sugar, a side order of fat, and a 52 oz tanker of caffeine to give them enough energy to get to their classroom. Aaaahh, now that’s education.

I think we should all encourage our schools to have more soda pop and fast food in the school lunch program. It would help their budgets even more.

And the kids? Aw, who cares about them. Schools see an unending supply every year.

When the school budget is the main consideration when deciding on having soda pop in the halls and lowest bidder, pig food in the cafeteria, the kids are the losers even as they pack on the pounds.

It’s all my opinion, but hey, I’m entitled to that.

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